Thursday, September 16, 2010

Music Videos

When I listen to music, I always have my own view of what it's about, what's going on and why did the person wrote it. I usually like listening to the song more than watching the video at times. When I do watch the video however, sometimes I feel that it doesn't go with the song and it confuses me. When I pay close attention, sometimes the videos do affect how I feel about a song. It would make me think more than just listening to it and seeing what the artist has to say from their view. Songs like "Telephone" by Lady Gaga, although I don't like the song, the video seemed way different than what I thought it would be (Homicide, car chases, secret identies. oh and telephones). I was not expecting that, I just thought maybe she broke up with someone, that person is calling her, she doesn't answer and that's it. So yeah, videos to affect the way I feel about certain songs. Some more than others.

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